dream big
Live Big
Born in Alexandria Egypt of a family from mixed background. The father from South Egypt, raised in a village, the mother from a Mediterranean background from an aristocratic family compare to my father background, so there were a culture differences in our house already when I grow up. My mother was very conservative , me and my brother wasn’t allowed to socialize with other kids in the neighborhood, and raised in a bubble.
our tips for
If you have never traveled a long distance before, here are some tips on how to get started and how to make sure your trip is nice and safe. We talk about this in our blog posts a lot, so please make sure to subscribe to stay ahead of all the news!
How to choose your destination
Choosing destinations is a very important yet super fun task. Having an approximate direction, you can let your mood and imagination lead the way!
Take everything under advisement
Attention and serious approach to trips organization ensures the safest travel with positive experience only.
Be realistic, consider alternate forms of travel
Sometimes things happen not the way we plan them. No worries, there are always alternatives that might be even better!
Meet the locals
Local people can help you around unfamiliar places a lot. Stay friendly and calm in any situation.